Monday, October 17, 2011

Lifestyle: week four

I've found over the last few years that if I take pictures of my kids before the holiday, it takes all the pressure off of trying to get 'the photo' on the actual day.  We can relax, have fun & I have prints ready for the grandparents.

It's a win - win in my book.

When I was reading this assignment, I thought how perfect!!  Halloween is coming up & I got so excited planning out what the kids would wear (they are still young enough that I can pick), a location that I've always wanted to try and planned how I would entice the kids to get the shot I wanted.

Then it rained for a few days...and the kids got sick.

They were doing better today, so I thought 'Ooo, I'll quick try it & see if I can still get my homework in on time!'

I am going to title this one:  Mama, I don't care that you have homework to do.  I am still sick and want to go home.

I was planning to shoot my self portrait with the help of my husband tonight...but kind-of lost the will after traumatizing our one and a half year old.

So - I am very thankful for the coming week & the opportunity to try again when the kids are up to snuff.

I did want to submit 2 photos that I took actually a few weeks ago (hope that is ok!) - I think they actually fit quite well into this lesson.  I went in with a plan and had my sister along to make sure I even got in a couple.  I did the settings, selected the focus point and told her where to put the box. :)

Part One: Thematic and Conceptual Shooting 

This picture is why I set up the whole shoot.

Part Two: Self Portrait

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lifestyle: week three

Part One: Conceptual Contrast

When thinking of my contrast, the 1st thing that popped into my head was how my son (Eddie) loves my husband to throw him into the air.  Eddie also loves to dress up in the Buzz Lightyear costume my mom found at a garage sale.  I thought what a fun contrast to combine the two.  Kind-of a man vs. nature and boy vs. superhero.

My 1st attempt was in our backyard.  I was hoping the trees would frame the photo and help show Eddie was 'flying'.  (the sky wasn't super blue that day)  But after uploading the picture, I thought they were more of a distraction & didn't follow the less is more principle.  I also didn't like how blurred Eddie's hands were.  BUT, I LOVE the expression on his face. 

Here is my second attempt.  I waited until we had a better sky, moved the front yard for fewer trees, changed my lens and I think my aperture was at 4 vs. the 1.4 of the last photo.  LOVE!

Part Two: The Decisive Moment

This...was pretty exciting.  I was taking pictures as my husband was reading to our little girl (Dani) before bed.  He was rocking her and I was snapping away (some pictures that I knew I would trash).  Then I remembered to take a breath and wait for the moment.  So I waited..and waited.  (It seemed like a long time, but it isn't a long book, so it couldn't have been that long.)  My husband was reading to Dani and tickling Eddie who is out of frame.  Suddenly, Dani, who had been ignoring me, looked at me while laughing.  It was just for a second - but I clicked and KNEW I got it. 

So exciting!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lifestyle: week two

Wow.  O.k...this week was a challenge.

I've always been a focus and re-compose girl.  (mainly because it was faster)  So many of my shots were horrible this week.  I finally realized that to get the shots I wanted, I was going to have to get over it and dive into my focus points.  I am gaining speed, but still feel super slow.  I feel like I am missing things because I am not quick enough yet, but I will keep plugging away.

So.  I don't love these images...but they are a big improvement from what I was getting!  It has been a good learning experience kind of week.

Part One: Point of View

Here is my 1st basic shot - I have tons just like this taken throughout the summer.  I always try to blur the neighbors cars & trash out...but you can still see it.  The beach grass I planted behind the sandbox has not grown as fast as I hoped! :)

I think these are much stronger.  The 1st one totally blocks out the neighbors (love that!) and focuses on the kids.  The second was shot through the beach grass, which I think I was a bit too close to because the stray pieces of grass are almost too fuzzed, but I still like it.

Part Two: Less is More

Small boy loving playing in the sandbox with brightly colored (distracting) toys...

I pushed toys aside and pulled out leaves (I missed some in the back of this one).  I could not talk him out of the hat and the I moved in closer.