Monday, October 10, 2011

Lifestyle: week three

Part One: Conceptual Contrast

When thinking of my contrast, the 1st thing that popped into my head was how my son (Eddie) loves my husband to throw him into the air.  Eddie also loves to dress up in the Buzz Lightyear costume my mom found at a garage sale.  I thought what a fun contrast to combine the two.  Kind-of a man vs. nature and boy vs. superhero.

My 1st attempt was in our backyard.  I was hoping the trees would frame the photo and help show Eddie was 'flying'.  (the sky wasn't super blue that day)  But after uploading the picture, I thought they were more of a distraction & didn't follow the less is more principle.  I also didn't like how blurred Eddie's hands were.  BUT, I LOVE the expression on his face. 

Here is my second attempt.  I waited until we had a better sky, moved the front yard for fewer trees, changed my lens and I think my aperture was at 4 vs. the 1.4 of the last photo.  LOVE!

Part Two: The Decisive Moment

This...was pretty exciting.  I was taking pictures as my husband was reading to our little girl (Dani) before bed.  He was rocking her and I was snapping away (some pictures that I knew I would trash).  Then I remembered to take a breath and wait for the moment.  So I waited..and waited.  (It seemed like a long time, but it isn't a long book, so it couldn't have been that long.)  My husband was reading to Dani and tickling Eddie who is out of frame.  Suddenly, Dani, who had been ignoring me, looked at me while laughing.  It was just for a second - but I clicked and KNEW I got it. 

So exciting!!

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